Kajang 沙嗲 @ Home

On January 28, 2007, in Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

提起Kajang这个名字, 马来西亚人民都会想起SATAY (沙嗲) 。沙爹很多地方都有, 可能名字不同, 但是味道应该还是一样的好吃吧!

在马来西亚,沙爹可以说是很普遍的小食。。。 以体积来看是小食, 以价格/体积来判断可能比点心贵。 算了吧。 吃了再算!

今天爸妈到kajang,所以顺道打包了一些回来! 现在也有了鱼肉沙爹了!

鱼肉沙爹和鸡肉沙爹是 RM0.60 一串, 羊肉沙爹是 RM0.90 一串。现在的kajang沙爹缩水了, 以前的很大串啊! 唉, 这就是闻名之后的影响吧!

味道还不错,但是肉烤得太熟了, 很硬又难嚼, 很失水准啊! 我都对老板千叮万咛千叮萬嘱了。。。 叫他不要让外劳烤沙爹了!

你今晚想吃沙爹了吗? 打电话约我吧!:-D







Started from 2 to 3 years ago, YTL community keep sending junk to me… opps not junk but their corporate news or advertisement or what-so-ever you want to call that. More-ever it did not give you any link to cancel the so-call “subscription” to this… I believe they have my email address because I submitted my resume for a job application under their organization some years ago… but it is unforgivable for doing this to the innocent ME!

Now, can I sue YTL for some millions of Ringgit Malaysia for “mentally harrassing” me for past 2 to 3 years? …Ok. I think my CEO will support me to fund a lawyer for this legal matter. But please put this aside because some millions of Ringgit Malaysia means nothing to me. Let it be!

Sorry for bragging something nonsense above. I couldn’t control myself at the early morning with the scent of Chinese New Year!

YTL is now offering WiSpot Wireless Broadband Internet Connection @ StarHill for YTL Platinum Plus member! … but then… if you are going to StarHill… you aren’t shopping but surfing? For god sake… why they are so stupid to use this WiSpot Wireless Broadband Internet Connection to promote the Platinum Plus Membership. I am confused. Their marketting department must be fainted by the Chinese New Year mood already? Furthermore, 1 hour WiSpot Wireless Broadband Internet Connection FREE Trial for the Platinum Plus Membership (stated in the email). It means subsequent hours will charge accordingly? … hahah perhaps WiSpot Wireless Broadband Internet Connection is one of the YTL subsidiary?

Next issue, the email “invite” me to upgrade my membership! WOW! How on earth they manage to know I am soon to be rich enough to be a Platinum Plus member while I am having no membership but junk email subscription? haha. This is simply funny because I dont have the online account login name and password for the membership upgrade process. So I could not share it with you here.

Let’s check the junk email!




On January 26, 2007, in General, General | History, by Kok mING


今天我是毫无疑问的不想工作。。。 所以我在整理文件和CD。。。 怎知道让我找到了10年前的回忆! 呵呵。

18岁的我到底是在想什么的。 28岁在看回18岁写的东西, 真的就只有回忆和快乐。 可能到了我38岁在看回28岁的blog, 又会是这样的一个感觉吧!真的。。。 这不是满足感也不是单单开心。 是喜悦, 就像重遇失散多年的老朋友。


18岁的网页, 写的是我的故事。

28岁的blog, 写的还是我的故事!

38岁的blog, 写的应该是我们的故事!:-D



 哈哈 好“手”吧?




wei khang – 04/28/98 14:15:20
My URL:http://www.sarawak.com.my/pwkhang
My Email:weikhang@hotmail.com
State: you know alredi
Country: don’t ask me this , you knew it
Icq uin: NAAaaaAAaa

Simple is good Good is simple just look nice, very nice no fancy look but simple simple and beautiful


san – 06/04/98 12:44:48
My Email:csand81@hotmail.com

哈喽!又是我….. 我并不是故意写两次的…不好意识. 哇!批评自己的导师批评到你这么过瘾是还第一次见呢~! (真够坦白..哈!) 故事写得也蛮好的嘛~!张学友的歌迷果然不是盖的!!!! hehehe~


mike – 06/15/98 08:40:04
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/chin_jack/
My Email:miketys@hotmail.com
State: kl
Country: malaysia

hello i like you homepages too it is simple but beautiful!


Yung Hui (flash) – 08/02/98 07:22:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/rue/2424
My Email:secret_garden@rocketmail.com
Icq uin: 6854802 (Please kacau me as often as u like!)

My advise to all visitor to this page: Dont ask this guy to sign ur gb unless u wanna turn ur gb to free sex “hot-e-mail” on-lines list … but if u r looking for hot pics… u have met the right person, come to my hp .. i’m sure u’ll shock see it 1… he e.. dont blame me Kok Ming, u the 1 who teach me sign gb like this 1… btw nice stories u have here, and it’s amazing u guys managed to upload tonnes of mp3 into ur hp… impressed!


Adwin – 08/02/98 15:47:30
My URL:http://www.sarawak.com.my/mig
My Email:adwin38@hotmail.com
State: Sarawak
Country: Malaysia
Icq uin: 1598708

I am Wei Khang’s friends & he’s the one to show me your web-site.I like your homepage,at least it provide me some amusement while I feel tired. Where’s your photo? You should have add in one so as we know how u look like! Thanks & keep in touch. Adwin.



还记得那时候, TITANIC (铁达尼) 是风靡全球的电影。。。



原来我以前是真的是非洲和尚(黑人憎)。。。 哈哈

Save as 在从自己的电脑放大来看哦!


反应好的话, 我还会放更多的文章上来哦!


权利 – 地位 – 声音

On January 24, 2007, in My work, by Kok mING




在这里, 我没有了人的权利, 捍卫不了自己的地位 , 也失去了声音。

我并没有放弃, 反而要往上爬, 宁愿踏着别人的残骸的不断前进, 也不要原地踏步。

双赢是欺骗弱者的伎俩。 占小便宜是小人的把戏。 以大欺小是高层的专利。




Protected: 所谓的Meeting。。。

On January 24, 2007, in My work, by Kok mING

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西餐 @ 水吧王

On January 22, 2007, in Life style, Life style | Food, by Kok mING

有没有怀念我的食物blog啊? 呵呵。最近比较忙, 都没有什么时间吃饭。。。 。。。 骗你的啦! 只是我没有钱啦!! 要过年了。。。 怎么办。。。 不如去打劫银行吧! 听说Kepong的警察少而且又没有时间捉强盗的!! 好吗? 你不出声, 我就预你一份了!!!

呵呵, 回到正题吧! 昨天家里没有做饭。。。 吃自己哦。。。 找了很久都没有食店做特价。。。 难道马来西亚真的经济复苏, 达到0%穷人率了?。。。 又离题了。。。 不好意思哦。

到最后, 坐进了水吧王 (Kafe SBV) 吃西餐! 呵呵, 是西餐不是烛光晚餐。。。


记得哦。。。 女生只要点一份食物就可以免费一杯饮料(除了酒)!!

吃了铁板红酒鸡扒 (Sizzling Red Wine Chicken) [RM 18.80], 挪威香草风味三文鱼柳 (Norwegian Salmon Steak) [RM 20.80] 和 芒果天堂 (Mango Paradise) [免费, 原价RM6.00].

看看照片吧。 店里很黑。。。 哈哈不是黑店哦。

铁板红酒鸡扒(Sizzling Red Wine Chicken), 鸡扒的肉质不错, 虽然颜色有点抱歉但是并没有影响味道。 真的是有红酒味道的, 但是不怕啦, 就算你连铁板也吃了都不会醉的, 女生可以放心的品尝 😀


挪威香草风味三文鱼柳 (Norwegian Salmon Steak)。 哇!!!! 三文鱼和香草! Salmon and Vanilla! 哈哈。 我告诉你吧。 这个挪威香草风味三文鱼柳的味道真的不错。 但是就吃不到挪威或香草的风味。 三文鱼柳的外层有少许的蜜糖,吃起来甜甜的, 因为蜜糖的关系而使鱼柳的外层有点脆皮的感觉, 可是里面就是软软又充满鱼汁的肉! 赞哦! 唯一的不完美是三文鱼柳不新鲜, 吃起来有腥味, 真的是美中不足啊!



芒果天堂 (Mango Paradise), 呵呵 :-D, 芒果很柠檬的混合饮料, 芒果的甜味和柠檬的香气, 真的很正点哦。 不过还是要告诉大家。。。 水放太多了。。。 呵呵。

如果有多余的钱, 就去试试吧! 


This is fast! Two days after the trip, Bernama has come up with the features article on their website.

Check here or http://bernama.com.my/bernama/v3/news.php?id=242367 if you want to know what is the Pillowtube and Mangrove.

The imcomplete part is… article posted without a photo 🙁 But don’t be disappointed! A lot of articles will come! Let’s see I got a chance to be a star or not. Haha


Dopod 595 selling @ RM 999

On January 19, 2007, in Life style, Life style | Accessories, by Kok mING

Wow!!! 3G Smart-Phone on promotion now!!! Don’t ever let this chance away if you missed the Dopod 577W promotion!!! Quickly go get a unit of it!

But… let me tell you. It is basically same as my Dopod 577W but without wifi… more ROM and some enhancements.

You refer here for more details!




Photo @ Sungai Besar

On January 19, 2007, in My work, My Work | Project Site, by Kok mING

Its show time!

Some Sunset view!



The hotel I stay for night… with other 3 muscular guys…



Wild life!!! but its dead… but those barbarians don’t let them Rest In Peace… 🙁





I know, you know… we all know that I disappeared for a day.

I understand that you miss me so much but I could not help that because the Mangrove @ Sungai Besar needs me! Remember the Sungai Besar ??

Actually not the mangrove, but something related to the it. My boss, Dato’ T.K.M.,  yes! Another TKM! not ktm or mtk/mkt/tmk ok? Let’s get back to the topic.

We have a function … err…. press conference… errr… party…. errrr… holiday? errrr….. I don’t know how to “address” it.

It make up of different news agency / press agency, including RTM (Malaysian TV channel), Astro AEC and others media which I do not really know… I apologise for not remembering it if you are part of them and accidentially found my page…

Ok! Now, I know you are wondering, why this I.T. One-Leg-Kick appear @ Sungai Besar and what is all about the Mangrove!?

I don’t want to explain until you leave a message haha!

I went there… not because of I.T. related matter… errrrr but well… I actually do some I.T. tasks there for example copy photo and vidoe from digital camera and viewcam… help to “click” on presentation… setting up the I.T. equipments for conference …

That’s only minor tasks! Major task is to use the Nikon DSLR cemara to shot down everyone faces… haha… that’s something hard, right? Taken a lot of photo but mostly not interesting… unless you love mangrove and wild life…

Second mission is to be a P.R. haha … ok … P.R. not G.R.O. or gigolo… at least I will not sell my lovely body with the current salary 😛 . We have 5 people… needs to make sure every one is happy… Standing at the hotel front door welcoming the guests, lead them to their room while raining and etc (what you think P.R. will do then multiply it by 200, that the figures you can measure my role as P.R. over there!)

errrr errrrr I am not sure whether I can say it or not but I don’t care! Third mission… is to be a MANGROVE SPECIALIST! haha answer things when people ask… you know… I am the I.T. One-Leg-Kick, how on earth I know Mangrove? ahah…

One disappointment… I still unable to eat any crabs @ the restaurants 🙁 All those reporters got but I dont have 🙁 wuuuu~~~~






Long story short say… at the end, I am still nothing better than a One-Leg-Kick

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