This seems to be an interesting topic where most people have a point to debate on.
In this materialistic world, monetary value apply on every thing. Most of the time, wealth and success is measure by the amount of money you own / make. You may have different measurement but sadly, this is tends to be planted on majority mindset.
Most people has their financial investment, be it in Property, Equity (Stocks), Bonds, Unit Trust and others. We found ways to invest in order to stay wealthy or at least to maintain our existing wealth against the inflation.
Let’s set the background to Financial Investment in Stock Market.
For years, I been involved in Equities market. Stock market is the best known money printing machine in all countries. Almost everyone use the performance of stock market to gauge the economy sentiment.
How do we invest in stocks? What are the risk? Why are we so sure about the market going to rewards us?
Frankly, for the above questions, everyone has different answers. For what I can tell you, it is depends on individual mindset. Everyone has different investment preferences and belief. Most people believe that invest in Stocks will help them to build a wealthy fortune future. Yes, I agree if only you do it right. Same as every other business in this world, we need to do things correctly in order to reap the success.
For me, I can tell you about 1001 things in stocks investment. This post, I would like to share you something different which may help you to identify whether or not this is a suitable area for your to invest into.
Investment in stocks is gambling! Yes, it is gambling, like in online casino Arabic or online casino Sverige!
I know you would strongly disagree on the above but let me tell you why Investment in stocks is a gambling.
1. You predict the next move of the stocks on either up or down. Then you bet on one side (long or short) only.
2. You have no control on the outcome but expose to risks of losing your hard earn money.
3. You are not 100% sure on your winning chances.
4. No guarantee on your return.
Now, with the above reason, do you think it apply to both Stock Investment and Gambling?
You think they are different perhaps you are bias that Stocks will always have their fair value and you will not suffer total loss which could happen in Gambling.
If you think like the above, you are so wrong. Stocks are generally represent the shares of a company. By purchasing the shares, it make you a share holder. In worst case, you bare the liability too! If the company is not doing well and force to be delist from the exchange, then your money will be gone and that is a TOTAL loss.
You might also considered that the Risk of Total Loss in Stocks Vs Gambling, the risk reward ratio seems to favor to Stock investment. As mentioned earlier, investment is solely your personal opinion and judgment. As long as you are comfortable, there are no right or wrong.
I would like to share with you, either stock investment or gambling is a game that make you expose to certain financial risk. Do consider your financial investment options carefully.
Stock market is a money tree when you know how to harvest from it. Otherwise, you will be the farmer who grow the tree for others to harvest!
I hope this post can at least paint you a better image on financial investment in stocks.
Do leave me a message if this interests you.
Cleveland, a low density city with great lake and tall buildings! The famous Lake Eerie is one of the world largest lake.
I visited Cleveland during June 2013, for a business trip. It is always been a pleasure to go on trip funded by company! It took me 28 hours of total flight time to reach Cleveland. Definitely, this is the new record for me! I doubt this record will ever be renew again…
Long ago, since I was a child, America is a place that I understand it is costly for me to visit alone. Luckily, I got this opportunity, otherwise, it can be a always a dream to visit this country.
Now, I present to you, Cleveland! (Click to view full size image)
This is a FIRST photo I took for Cleveland, nothing besides FIRST shot
I spent the weekend to walk around the city, yes, you read me right. W.A.L.K.
This is the Fountain of Eternal Life.
For those who keep track on the world financial news. You should know the name of Federal Reserve Bank…
Also, Cleveland is famous about its Rock N Roll culture! Yes, Rock N Roll hall of fame is here! I took some photo but sadly it is either over expose or under expose. Some with me inside the photo so let’s skip it!
More landmarks to come, which I forgot the name.
By now, you probably will ask me why I say Cleveland is a low density city. Refer to the photo below and you know why… it is a weekend and the city is empty!
Go to United States, you would find a lot of good bargain in branded fashion! For example, Nike, Coach, Ralph Lauren and many more are selling much more cheaper compare to Malaysia! I went to Aurora Premium Outlets for shopping mission. The total damage is…. you guess!
This is a lake within the Aurora Premium Outlet. I was thought that this area would be a shopping mall and as big as ones in Malaysia. Obviously, I was wrong. It didn’t have any high rise building and all brand has its own shop, spacious and comfortable for shoppers!
I have never been into HardRock café in Malaysia. Yes! I am serious!
It looks like my boss know I never afford to visit HardRock café in Malaysia, so he bring me to the one in U.S. for a nice lunch!
Talk about my boss, then I will have to show you the office building which I worked in during my business trip. Another landmark of Cleveland, Tower City!
It is always a place for movie filming, previously, Avengers was here. During my visit, they are filming Captain America II inside the Tower City! So if you see me appear inside the movie, it would not be a surprise
Last but not least, I enjoyed American food very much! The waiters and waitresses are much more talkative and friendly compare to the ones in Malaysia. Perhaps this is due to their tipping system which encourage them to talk to the diners
This is the B.E.S.T. pork rib (full slab) I enjoyed in Cleveland, a restaurant name, Rocky River Brewing Co.
This is the recommended dish if you ever visit! Cooper’s Baby Back Ribs, trust me, this is the best!
Lastly, this one advertisement, at first I thought, it is a Chinese Restaurant / Chinese Fast Food advertisement, then I watch carefully, I am totally wrong about it!
Ok folks, there are tons of photo taken but to keep this short and simple to read. This is my Cleveland trip! If you are going there, do not hesitate to leave me a message for travel advise
Until the next post, good bye!
Hello folks!
It been more than a year since my last post! Life been really busy or I have been really lazy…
Starting 2014, I will return here to start telling you the story about myself and share more worthy posts with you.
I hope I can get one post per week. At least to be a life journal for me to enjoy after retire haha!
Stay tune!
I posted a comment in friend’s facebook’s status which inspire myself to write this. I wrote in Chinese but I translate it into English for this blog post.
“What you sow is what you reap is a poorman living style, applying what you learn in academy to earn a living is already outdated”
I never discourage anyone to stand on our own feet and use our very unique skillset to earn for our living. By doing so, it is not enough to be outstanding… It is becuase everyone is doing the same. All people graduated from university, some even with higher qualification than you are doing the exactly same thing as you are doing. So, do you think by studying more or gaining more certifications will help to boost your career? In some extend, yes, I have to agree. If you are double degree or master holder, I can assure you have the competitive advantage during job interview. If you want to find my view on further study, you can refer to this.
Now, let’s get back to the real topic – My career adventure.
Let’s check my stats!
For 11 years, I worked for 9 companies, 12 job roles, longest serving company is 4 years. Not very impressive, I know. But do leave me a comment what is your first impression when you see this stats. How to relate my stats with the comment I posted on my friend’s facebook update?
When people look into my profile. The first thing that emphasize is my tenure period for each job. Without a single doubts, they start to comment that I am an employee with no loyalty. A few years ago, I still debate with them about what is “loyalty”… is it measurable by years of service? Or your professionalism and enthusiasm towards the jobs/company/boss? Frankly, none give me any answer. Obviously, everyone carrying different dictionary which wrote different meaning for “loyalty”. If you still want to comment further then the answer will be “If loyalty is a must, hire a dog, please…”. Nuff said.
Second, people tends to focus on the pay scale (rise) on each job change. I am not sure what is the point of looking into what other companies used to offer me. It is more important for the employer to judge how much I worth and how much they are willing to pay as in now. As long as within market price and budget allocated, everything is negotiatable. I dislike company to relate salary with age, it is truly unreasonable and unfair.
You may question me, how come you changes so many companies and still able to get a job?! A job hopper like you, will not be hire for sure…
Ok. If you are an average employer, you definitely do not see what I am going to share in the next paragraph.
For 11 years, I moved into many companies. I gained relationship and knowledges across different industry with different job roles I hold. My path exposed me to different type of environment and dealing with different people. With the exposure to different company, systems and technologies, my expertise is one of my sure-kill weapon in any job hunting. For the recent jobs, I didn’t apply it. I keep my options open and got headhunted. The market needs talented people, I know this is too “thick-face” but I am not shy to admit 🙂
So, do you still think 11 years of adventure bring no gain to me except higher pay?
During the adventure, I gain valuable experiences. I understand that some times, what you sow will be reaped by others. For example, you work so hard but someone claim the credits. You may not get to do what they like to do, but that doesn’t mean you are not given any chances to perform your best! We need to stay dynamic and flexible, if anyone cannot advance further then he/she will be obsoleted. These are so called working experiences, if someone claims my credits, I gotta learn on how to not letting it to happen next time. If do not understand what is dynamic and flexible, then start exploring, don’t just sit still by saying no one teach this. We are paid to work and our boss will not donate to us any sympathy points during appraisal.
Most people see I am doing so good… Please do not judge me as in what I am now. Do consider what I have gone through to craft myself into this shape. School never teach you anything about work, you go to school and follow what is written on textbook, so what if the textbook is wrong and no longer applicable? Then where to find answer? School teach you how to find an answer? Google give you answers most of the time, but it will still need you to put in a search term to generate the result. Everything start with your action, your adventure started and have you gain anything by yourself?
Hope you enjoy the reading and share me some comments.
Until the next post, see you!
For many years, I am an amateur investor in stock market. Still I am now… I couldn’t do Fundamental Analysia (FA) or Technical Analyst (TA) without tools or investment analysis/reports… So in such a way, it makes me an real amateur. Although, I do not know how to do FA / TA like most analyst do, I still read some book written by successful people namely Warren Buffet and Peter Lynch. Always, they are saying some golden rules like never lose money, always buy the stock which you understand their business and how well it performing, be assured that whatever went down will go up again and etc…
For years, I manage to make around 10% to 20% return on investment per annum. So I am quite confident on my picks!
With much confidence, I’ve put my savings into share market. Well, with at least 10% return, I couldn’t resist to do that. Life is unpredictable, same goes with the stock market. At the moment that you think that you have control or prepare for the worst to happen, the most dramatic thing could happen to knock you down harshly…
A few months ago, my total investment for my portfolio shrunk 77.5%! Yes, no joke at all! 77.5% of my capital had gone and that is the most real painful experience… Nothing can express the feeling…
As you can see… It is all negative, and there is no financial crisis at that time (3 months ago)… How lucky I am, how many people can own stocks that can lose more than 90%? I do anything wrong? Yes… there is one thing I done wrong, that is too confident with my selections… For earlier time, I could have cut losses when it is minus 10%… But I didn’t because I trust it will go up to my target price so I wait and wasted the chances to sell… I can only blame myself!
I need to figure out what I can do to get myself out from this mess… So I took a risk, be a gambler… a real one I mean. I sold all the stocks which losses greater than 60%. The pain of losses, still fresh in my mind…
After this cash out, I quickly look into one stock which has the greater chances to go up in short time, of course it must have a lot of room to go up and limited down side! I show hand invested all my cash into this one counter! Honestly, I know by doing this, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffet and you are laughing out loud on my foolish act which is to put all eggs into one basket. This is a kamikaze act… deadliest! Do not try it yourself… unless you are a strong hearted risk taker like I am.
I invested and waited for a month, and voila! The_one stocks goes up and ring the bell. It hits 300% profit for me! With this gain, I recover 70% – 80% of my previous losses. Overall, I am still losing but at least I have much capital to grow now… and this is very important. In stock market, it always welcome you but you gotta be cash rich!
In this 3 to 4 months, I learn many lessons which greatly change my investment style…
1. Cut lost, is not shameful, it is to protect your capital so you can buy the ticket for second or third chance.
2. No matter how, once your stocks reaches your target price, sell it and never go back in again…
3. Do not influence by the market sentiment, in good or bad market, there will be people making money from it. You have to be one of them!
4. Market is heavily manipulated, so be the one who manipulate it or join the group who create the manipulation!
5. Buy low sell high, this means, buy when market is down for a period of time, and sell when it goes up! This is very important! Never chase high sell low… this is fatal!
and many many more…
If you have any good pick, do share with me.
Until then, good luck!
“你现在的成就已经超越了你的年纪可以拥有的。。。可是这不是一件好事, 你太好运了,在事业了遇到的挫折真的是少。 在我的企业里,你的成就可是四五十岁的员工才有机会达到的。。。我很想帮你累积之前你所错过的经验,你需要知道虽然我愿意亲身弥补你的不足,但是我不可能满足你物质上的需求。 你好好衡量这个机会吧, 我随时欢迎你。”
如果真的要以人的年纪和成就做对比,我还是觉得这样是不公平也不妥当的。 毕竟每个人的经历和生活背景也有所不同。。。自然的会形成很多的变数。
这几个月,发生了很多事。 有很多的改变,很多的不如意。。。其中也有让我有所领悟的。
人们常说你可以不成功,但你不可以没有目标。这个,我绝对的赞同。 有目标的人才会不断地前近,为了达到目标而奋斗。
当一个人有了目标,他的注意力都会往目标里看。越是靠近目标,视野就越狭窄。 当你开始看不到周围的事物,有很多声音都听不到了例如他人好意的劝告,提醒和批评。
A few weeks back, we went for Japanese buffet in order to show our support to Japan radiation incident by eating their cuisine!
Compare to other restaurant, TAO has nothing different in interior design. Semi-jap style… bad lights for photo and not to spacious table for buffet style of dining. Anyway, we were there for food instead of interior design criticism!
The food offer in front of the counter was not much compare to Tenji, Jogoya, Saisaki or Shogun.
If you ask me, for RM58++, is it worth it? I would say “Yeah, worth to try!”. But not repeat for twice or thrice because for the similar price, I still prefer to go for Xenri D’Garden.
There is one thing notably good and I think it is a very good way of serving. They have more items on the menu free for you to order. You only order which you want to eat. This is possibly a better tactic for the restaurant as we know if we eat none stop, we keep eating until our brain receive the signal. So, by having delicious menu items, customers are force to wait for the goodies.
Herewith some dishes from the menu. The abalone slices are just nice~
I must recommend the lamb chop, I never expect a Japanese restaurant can cook this excellent lamb chop. It is so soft, tender and juicy! (It was recommended by the waitress, thanks to her!)
Scallop tastes perfect too!
Below is the variety of food that you can grab on the counter.
Herewith the contact details. Bring me if you going there!
Tao Authentic Asian Cuisine
Sunway Giza Shopping Mall
Block D, S.02A, S.03 & S.05
2nd Floor, No. 2, Jalan PJU 5/14
PJU 5, Kota Damansara
47810 Petaling Jaya
Tel: 03-6148 2826
Fax: 03-6148 5826
这是我还在读小学的事情。。。 我的成绩不算好,也不是对读书很有兴趣。 反正小孩就是要上学求知识,必经的阶段。可是有些小孩也会为了工作而辍学, 就像到熟食摊档当洗碗和打杂之类的工作。我不明白,虽然小学和中学都是不收学费的,为什么他们还要出来工作啊?(这个社会问题,我们以后再大大声的聊。。。)
小时候,每当在外用餐,看到和我同年级的小孩,老爸就会叹气的说:“你看,人家像你这么大,就已经开始赚钱了。你就只会打电动!一点用都没有。。。”。 当我上了中学,老爸不是叹气的说,而是生气地责备: “ 都这么大了,还向家里要钱读书,谁谁谁都已经是哪个熟食档的厨师,每个月赚1300元还给父母$$$元的家用!人家还打算当老板卖面!你为什么都不长进点?” 这些话,我都听在心里。我没有怪老爸,毕竟他也是十多岁就出来工作了,二十岁就已当老板,结婚还生了我和弟弟!一个人养一家人,他是有绝对的资格对我说教。
我没有像其他人那么有读书的天分,进不了大学。。。 可是我还是坚持要拿到一个文凭才工作。。。 还好父母亲都没有因为经济的压力而叫我放弃。虽然老爸不断的说我没用,可是他对孩子还是有期望的。出来工作多年,虽然我也当不了老板,但是我可以大大声的说我活得不比其他老板差!
到了现在,我有了自己的家庭。我的太太都会一直的拿我们的孩子跟其他人比较。。。 这让我想起了以上的往事。 做父母的不需要比较,因为孩子的学习能力不是天生的,也不是可以刻意制造出来。 如果现在身为爸爸的我,像老爸当年一样的对孩子说教,如果儿女们接受不了,可能会对他们造成不良的影响。
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