今天我真的很开心!! 因为找到了新的工作!! 很好的待遇(如果和现在的来相比。。。)
确定了聘请我的消息后, 我的耳边立刻响起了新年歌曲 。 农历新年的感觉来了!! 她终于回来了!!!
但是好景不长。。。 我的好心情还是被覆盖了。。。
真的。。。 我这么辛苦为什么?? 还不是为了这个家。。。?
I know 2 dotA players (female). They whine for work, hate their bosses, cry for more salary but to be frank to you, they deserves a credit for the sense of responsibilities inside them.
I interviewed one of them. The reason is simple… I need people very much because 50% work force of my department resigned and will leave before Chinese New Year…
Back to the title. Things that could not be taught.
Sense of responsibilities. Definitely this one. I had been coaching 2 people up and they left me without giving me enough time to get a suitable replacement for them? Yes… You can say I am bad boss, greedy superior or what-so-ever suits me! Anyway, I don’t think my coaching style has any problem. I never raise my voice to shout at them like what the Purchasing will do… Instead of shouting, I choose to listen. Most of all cases, I will just protect them before I listen because I trusted them very much. hm… sorry! Should not “hard-sell” my good …
I always says this sentence “If you wanna go to other company for more experience or better pay, please do tell me when you have the idea to abadone the team… I need some times to get a replacement for your seat and let you hand-over every things to him/her. I will not force you to resign even though I got the replacement…” . Well? Am I sound too generous by talking this to my sub-ordinate? At the end, they just ignore the good request of mine and run-away with their “early-release” request… 🙁 sad case. They learn my skills but not the professionalism . that’s very sad for me and for them too…
Back to the 2 dotA players. I know they have the sense of responsibilities because I offer higher pay to one of them and ask her to join ASAP but she denied it by saying she still has an on-going project on hand. She could not leave like this! YES! You see it? That’s the professional attitude! She maybe too young or too green but this characteristic will make her a brighter career sooner or later!
Imagine, if people willing to pay higher then you can abadone whatever on hand. You are only a money-minded people, I am not saying money-minded is not good. But it is definitely a negative impact towards your career path. Becuase the new employer may notice it and would not trust your loyalty anymore.
As I said, every people has different mind-set. I could not stop them to grab what they want. They make the decision and INFORM me after all. I shall be happy becuase they still respect me as a immediate superior by letting me to be the “first-one” who knows it … I should respect their decision and wish them all the best too!
Of course, I wish them can stay longer with me becuase I have more things to share with them. Well, I can’t be everything 🙂 Its times for them to explore the world beyond their knowledge! I wish they can have better and brighter future! (including the 2 dotA players 😉 )
All the best!!
真的有点忙。 不知道为什么的忙。 很忙就是了!
在我努力寻找农历新年感觉的同时, 太多的晴天霹雳, 也太多的绝处逢生的际遇。 总之就是没时间哦。 再这样下去, 饭都没有的吃了。。。 那里有空找(照)美食。。。 所以不要催我写部落格啊! 我也有心无力。
今天要写的是越南餐! 就是Mid Valley 的 KODO 餐厅。 越南食物哦! 牛肉和米粉!
我忘记了食物的名字。。。 就是用米粉和蔬菜做馅的春卷(应该是吧!) 。 牛肉汤面和红烧鸡肉饭 (大约是这样叫吧!!)
半年前的照片了。。。 对啦! 这是我半年前拍的。。。 摄影技术还很差的。。。 不要批评哦。 我很记仇的, 一定会记到我忘记为止!!
食物的味道我忘记了。。。 就是还可以吃但是价格就贵了一些哦。。。
自己看吧。。。 有香蕉的是甜品。 有帅哥的就是我!! 😀
How true is that?
The Last One Standing is the survival and survival is not a winner if he/she do not get what will make him/her a winner.
Yes. I am struggling in the point of physical and mental as well.
I can assure you that I am ok. Definitely OK. No worry, be happy and drink some Jolly (if you have some…)!
Final note to all of you who concern about me. I am fine and thanks for the concern. The Ultimate IT One-Leg-Kick shall return and bring you more fun!
汽车又被撞了, 这次真的比较严重。 可能修好之后不能驾远途了。。。因为它老了, 也撞了很多不同的地方。。。
虽然汽车是死物, 但是毕竟还是陪伴了我11年的岁月。 真的会难过。。。
有很多次, 很想买一部新的, 可是心里就是觉得还是它最好。。。 11年来, 就只坏了3次。 之前上班,下班, 逛街, 泡妞都是全靠它。很多人都嫌它老了, 耗油量大, 可是我还是开着它, 为我的生活而奔跑。
它不只是载我, 更是载着很多的回忆。如果失去了它, 我应该会伤心吧。。。 就像失去了同伴吧?
还是不写了。。。 我已经很累了。 肉体累了, 精神累了, 心也累了。。。
怎么说都好, 我就是少了这份农历新年的感觉。 真的好无奈, 明明还有2个星期就要到了。 我还是没有那种曾经的雀跃和冲动。 莫非我真的老了? 还是我长大了?
为了增添佳节的气息。 我将布落格的颜色换了, 还放了新年歌曲的midi。
你觉得有新年的气氛了吗? 😀
在此我恭祝大家过个大肥年!! 哈哈 你们要比猪还胖哦。 我只要钱包永远都胖胖的! 😀
I installed Google Analytics since 08-01-2007 and the data collection started from 09-01-2007.
Up to 31-01-2007. I have 246 visits and 1166 page views! Not bad! Not bad at all for a newly setup blog! More than 10 visits and nearly 40 page views per day 🙂 Although it is very least compare to the other well known blogs. But it is pretty impressive for me now.
I am amaze by you guys 😀 Seriously, without your support, this blog will not be here 🙂
More blog will comes! Let’s put more comment to my post. I will make it suit to your taste! 😀

After my programmer and system support submitted their resignation letters. I really felt a big cloud of bad luck is covering my front path. The MIS Department which I spent 1.5 years to build up may collaspe in any time.
Ignore the above. It is not important. All I wanted to tell you is what written below.
That is a company request to view my resume via Jobstreet.com . This company has requested my resume for twice. First time is the position of Assitant Manager and the second time is Analyst Programmer. Oh Yeah! It always happen like 1 month one request from different company. I will release my resume if I am happy with the request.
I release both for the above positions but I manage to withdrawn immediately for the application of Analyst Programmer. Today, the company has invited me for the Analyst Programmer Interview. I straight away reject it online without a second thought.
I need to step my career path wisely. Now, I am a Senior Analyst Programmer and multi-task as Assistant Manager. Almost the level to reach Manager/Director position. Why I have to think about stepping backward for more money? I must step forward for more pride, satisfaction, glory and money (of course)! I will never step backward anymore. It is a no return step! Definitely NO_RETURN. Once you stepped backward, you gotta wait/create another chance to move up again! Although I might get better pay by stepping backward but I has no interest to step back!
I must move forward. Keep climbing. Reach to the top or the destination of my career path.
I don’t know what I want to be. but…
I am sure I am learning from the past, commanding the present and conquer the future!
There’s no turning back! It is only moving forward with full strength! Doing my best for the better future with “DO FIRST DIE LATER” philosophy!!
Programmer 和 System Support。 (任劳任怨, 想挑战自我的, 不怕做多的,不嫌工作量多的,会One-Leg-Kick的, 等等。。。 等等。。。)
1. MSN合法化
2. 无限上网便利
3. 最高等的电脑设备
4. 本部鼓励员工准时下班
5. 最重要的是有 年轻有为, 前途无量, 英俊潇洒, 玉树临风, 风度翩翩,风流倜傥,和蔼可亲,幽默风趣 的上司一起工作
世事如棋, 局局新。 还是人算不如天算?
纵然我习得万家手艺, 也难敌一个人只有一双手脚的自然法则。
虽然世上没有平坦的道路, 但是我会把路铲平, 再把障碍物推开!
少了平步青云的阶梯, 我还可以脚踏实地的往上爬!
我相信穿过了极大黑暗, 就会遇上无限光明!
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