目前,很多人都说大马政府会拒绝黄明志的道歉, 可是明志对星洲日报说到目前为止还没有接收到任何指他触犯法律的信函。很多政要的言论,都属于个人发表,并不代表政府的决定。大家也无需激动,就算真的被判罪了,我们也应该尊重国家的法律,毕竟这是你们所选出来的政府。身为马来西亚公民的明志也应该知道言论自由的界限,为自己搞出来的风波而负责才是对的。我会接受明志的道歉并不是因为我是华人,原因是我们都应该把机会给与一个勇于认错的人。当然,国有国法,如果道歉可以了事,那么警察和法律机构还有工作吗?明志有罪与否由政府决定,但是公道自在人心。
事先声明。我绝对认同以上两个网站的出发点, 那就是保护我们的明志。但是对他们的做法,我是有所保留了。。。以下的言论,可能会得罪大家,我还是希望与大家分享。
第一,这次的事件,到底是谁在把问题种族化了?在国家的立场,我看到的是大公无私的道理。无论是谁犯了罪,也要受刑。但是有太多的人将问题的重点放在种族的课题上了。媒体错误的报道,读者也严重的缺乏判断能力。。。 为什么要是全球华人支持黄明志行动,怎么不是全世界支持黄明志行动?干嘛只是华人而已?难道真的是华人的问题?你们要让华人抬起头来为明志出头还是要一个公道?? 如果要取回公道,任何肤色的人都应该参与!这样的行动,无疑是将问题更偏向种族化!!政府更会视这个行动或者这股“势力”为煽动的证据!!!到目前为止,政府都没有明确的回应,可能就是在等这一刻的到来!为明志打抱不平的平台, 当然是越多越好,可是要用正确的方法,免得大家的热情变成明志的负担。请各位三思而后行。
8月31日,我将会在零时零分大事播放negarakuku 以证明我的爱国之心!号召各位朋友响应!!!!!!!
老实说,播放禁歌,死路一条。连明志也屈服了。你们又何必撕开包扎好的伤口, 再往里面放火。请再考量。
第三,明志认错了。就算被判有罪,也是无可奈何的。原因是因为这首歌的却是煽动了民族的和谐。 无论是歌曲所至与否, 也有一部分的煽动是由媒体朋友造成的。事到如今,明志也道歉了。政府现在也没有采取真正的“实际”行动来对付他。只是说了保留追究的权利的发表吧?
还记得吗?10年前,轰动一时“华仔”的反自然性行为也没有人再说了,他也重返政坛了。用屁股来思考,也知道堂堂一个有很大机会能坐上首相位置的人,哪里会为屁股而放弃江山??欲加之罪, 何患无辞!!
我知道士可杀,不可辱。 但是留得青山在,哪怕没材烧!何况整个事件是由明志而起的。。。要说“人不犯我,我不犯人;人若犯我,我必犯人!”并不是我们。。。你们一定会骂我是胆小鬼吧?更会认为我是为了博取政要的欢心才写这篇文章的吧?Kok mING与众人为敌,也很欠抦吧?
我的出发点是和你们一样的。我们都是为了明志着想,我是想让事情完结,而不是纠缠不清。毕竟他的家人,也遭到恐吓,可能性命也有危险。你们如果要行动。。。 请组团保护他们的安全吧!!
大约两个月前,弟弟把我们的IXUS40 去热浪岛度假。很自然的也把相机带在身上一起的去潜水了。。。 可怜的IXUS40,因为不懂水性就白白的牺牲了。。。 两个月后的今天,我终于把解剖了。残骸里还留有水迹,它真的是活活的被淹死的。。。 :cryrun:
我到了L。Y。P。花了RM1110, 买了IXUS75!
Yeah!!我终于又有了照相机了!午餐的时候, 拼命的在拍啊!之后还到了湖滨公园里走走。
哈哈! 但是技术还是生疏了。。。 给我一点时间吧!我一定会有更好的照片的!!
我的夸张修辞法,想必各位也已经略有所闻, 也可能领教过了。 😀
Yeah! While everyone guessing on why I did not online at night or how Kok mING manage to live without computer at night…
I started the new job! In a multi-national company… I met a lot of new friends! Yes! Finally The_One hikky manage to get some friends!
Long story short say! (I will tell you more stuffs about the job later)
Second working day, we have a group dinner at California Pizza KItchen, KLCC. Yeah! As you can see from the photo, we are huge group! The waitress is so happy to see us walking into the restaurant! Big business, uh?
We have a lot of fun over there! Especially some chit chat sessions to know each other better! I am not the only new one over there. But… I am the newest one… They are friendly, some are very talkative and playful as well. It is a nice group of people. Let me say this before your request, please do not ask me to introduce the girls to you. LoL. Single but not available … okay?
Derive from the title, you must be expecting a food blog.
Yes! This is about food but I do not have a camera to shot the nice food… I tell you, the foods are delicious, definitely taste more better than the photo!
Taken a lot of photos, but I just pick the photo with me inside it… You know why, don’t ask please.
**** To you. Yes! Its you! Stop laughing! ****
Sooner or later, my colleagues will know this blog because they have my MSN contact. This blog has a mirror in Live Spaces… so once I post this thing. MSN contact will get updated and a star will display besides my name, then with some clicks, they shall see their faces online. LoL. Http:// will be the actual blog address.
If you really found this, leave a comment so I knows who get this first! Heh heh.
**** End ****
I like to play games since I was young. I owned a lot of home game consoles including Atali, Super Nintendo, Gameboy, Sega and etc. I am attached to gaming world since I am young, most likely since age of 5. The first arcade game really kicks me in, isn’t the mighty Donkey Kong. The game which got me addicted to it is Street Fighters II. It is a 2D fighting game by Capcom. It is still clear in my mind how I used to play this game and pwned a lot of people who is elder than me. More-over, it gives me more fun than I can enjoy! :or:
Street Fighters II tells me that Indian’s yoga (Dhalsim) can blow fire out from their mouth… LoL. Sound incredible but it is so funny to see that! :hahaha:
Ah! A very notable image to the world. After playing this game, every one thinks the girls in China must have two “bao” or Chun Li hair-style. They must have huge legs and able to do the I-M-possible skill which is “upside down spinning legs”. Can you see how that E.Honda (Sumo fatty) hug Chun Li? Incredible skill by the Japanese! Heads down!
Wow! See Blanka!! It can bites you until the blood splitting out like a waterfall! Haha!! Lastly, my favorite character, Ryu, the very attractive skill “rising dragon fist”. Amazingly strong and stylish! Guile, Ken and Zangief who I did not manage to a screen-shot…
Why I blog about this? It is because I missed the good old days… So I go to get an emulator to play it again! It works!! It helps me to turn myself back to a TEEN for 10 minutes after playing it!! LoL. :e:
I hopes you have a nice and unforgettable childhood. If not… please go get a life now. :xd:
Happy gaming!!
Now, 3:25AM, 11-August-2007. I don’t want to sleep because I must write this down while my memory still fresh on what happened 30 minutes ago.
After a mamak session with friends, I took the usual route to go home. I decided to take a short-cut as I usually do to skip all the annoying traffic lights. I bended into a road inside the small-medium factory area. The road is dark because of huge trees and broken street lights. At the end of the road, I saw a group of people standing over there and a few cars parking at roadside.
As I drive closer, I notice it is a group of hardworking policemen. They never set up the road block barrier, wearing jackets with Police Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) logo only. Of course with the fully-charge torch light too. I reached in front of the group and here start the action.
Police Officer A (Malay, Name Unknown) approaches towards me and flash his torch light on my face. At the same time, a few others “torch light” flashing around my car, my road-tax sticker and look inside my car. My first reflex in my mind, I speak this to myself “Hey, I am only ONE people!” . It is fine because my car has nothing illegal! After the silly flashing act, Police Officer A asks me to lower down my mirror. He wants to speak with me. As a good citizen, I always be as cooperative as I can, but I do stay alert. I checked my door switches are locked before I lower down my mirror.
Police Officer A: IC mari. (Identity Card comes)
Me: Ya tapi apa hal? (Yes but what the matters?)
Police Officer A: Kami nak check IC awak. (We need to check your IC.)
Me: I tahu tapi apa yang sedang berlaku? (I know but what is going on?)
Police Officer A: Ada operasi. (Got operation)
Me: Ya, operasi apa? (Yes, what operation?) [Not to deny, I am very curious on what’s going on because they need my Identity card so I have to be sure what kind of operation that they are running]
Police Officer A: [Raise his voice, unhappy feeling] Dengar, OCJ, Operasi Cegah Jenayah (Listen, OCJ, Operation Deter/Prevent Crime)
Me: Ah. Ok. Saya boleh tunjuk IC tapi tak boleh bagi awak. (Ah. Okay. I can show my Identity card but cannot give it to you) [Sue me for being a paranoid person, I am educated to be highly alert. Nobody get my Identity card unless I am in the police station!]
Police Officer A: [Raise to a louder tune] Turun kerata sekarang! (Get down from car now!)
Me: [Frighten and shout] Saya tak akan turun sehingga saya sampai balai polis! (I won’t get down until I reach the police station!)
At this point of time, Police Officer A hands down to my car-door’s switch, pull it up! He attempted to open my door!I am getting very scare and frightening because a few people are circle in front of my car. I shouted with my very best for the rest of the conversation just to catch other’s people attention!! (I could not keep using my limited command of Malay language due to the situation, so I start to speak in English…)
Me: Hey! Stop it! What I did wrong?!
Police Officer A: Buka pintu dan turun kereta! (Open the door and get down from car!)
Me: I will only get down when I am inside police station! You are not suppose to force me now!!
Police Officer A: Saya boleh tangkap awak jika awak tak kerjasama! (I can arrest you if you are not cooperative!)
Me: I say again! I will leave my car once I reach police station and I am going there now!
Police Officer A: Boleh pergi tapi turun kereta dulu! (Can go but get down from car first!) [You idiot! If I am going to police station, why I still have to get down now?]
Me: No! I don’t trust you at all. All of you wearing jackets only! Where is the uniform?!
Police Officer A is extremely unhappy. Now, another officer who looks more senior approaches us. The senior officer name Nathan. Nathan asked Police Officer A to leave. We start our conversation here.
Nathan: Hello uncle! Good morning! [Well, this folk speaks English. But… hey! I am uncle?!]
Me: Good morning Sir. How may I help you?
Nathan: We are running an operation here and we would like to seek your kind cooperation.
Me: Yes. I am trying to be cooperative but your colleague (Police Officer A) pulled up my door switch and attempted to open my car door. I am scared now! Very scared now!!
Nathan: Uncle, yes, I know about your feeling but we are having a operation to prevent crime. Lately, this area is surrounded by criminals. So we are here to protect you.
Me: Yes? You are protecting me by forcing me out from my car?
Nathan: Nooo! Uncle, let me do some clarifications on why we are doing this. Can you drive your car to the roadside?
Me: No. I am not going to move unless it is heading to the police station.
At this moment, another indian officer, who looks really black, stand besides Nathan and start flashing his torch light right into my face!
Me: [Shout out loud] Stop that! Stop the stupid light!! I hate that! I say stop it!!! [It definitely raise my fear to the max level!]
Nathan: Calm down, calm down. [Ask the indian flash-man go away]
Me: Hey, I don’t want to talk now. I want to lodge a report! I am very scare!!
Nathan: No sir, please don’t go. I haven’t finish. We are doing our job for your good.
Me: Yes. I know but not for me this time. It is enough for me. Can I go?
Nathan: No sir. We have the right to stop you and seek your cooperation.
Me: Yes! Since when I am not cooperative?
Nathan: You need me to show your my ID?
Me: No, no need. I can’t recognize anything!! [Textbook never teach how a police ID card looks like!!]
Here, the Police Officer A comes back again.
Police Officer A: We can arrest you just because you refused to follow our instruction!
Me: Yes! Please arrest me! Please arrest me to the nearest police station!! PLEASE!!! [Yes. I purposely shout like a bastard. But who cares? I am alone, they are a group! Shout first die later!!]
Nathan pushes away the Police Officer A and resume our conversation.
Nathan: So, where you are going now?
Me: I want to leave!
Nathan: Yes but please give me your IC. I need to note down your name and IC number!
Me: No. I cannot give you. But I can show you!
Nathan shows a piece of paper written with a lot of names to me.
Nathan: See. This is a list that we get. Every people did the same. Can I have your IC?
Me: Yes. I hold it and show you!
Nathan: [Show very disappointed face] I need to copy your details.
Me: Yes. I allow it but I need to hold my own IC only!!
I hold my Identity card and flash it to Nathan TWICE just like the flash their torch light on me!
Nathan: …
Me: I am a Malaysian. See my IC!! [It is damn proud to be a Malaysian, not?!]
Nathan: Yes Yes… you may go now.
Me: Thank you!
I reach home safely. I don’t feel sleepy. I get khang on MSN and chatted about it. We feel it is a need to go to the police station, to do a verification regarding the roadblock. It is because they really looks suspicious without wearing formal uniform and never setup any barrier to do the operation.
We (khang and me) headed to the Kepong Police Station, explained my incident. After some minutes, it is verified that is really an operation going on but they lodged no report for me…
Please, if you read until this part. I believe you care about what is happening. Please do your best to tell your family, friend or anybody you know. Never get down from your car, never give your IC to anyone, never take any challenge from stranger (like the policemen above). It is a clear show on my incident. They cannot charge or arrest you because you are shouting or refused to get down from car! I did my best to verify this issue at the nearest police station. I am a good citizen. I hopes you do the same if you encounters thing like this.
Last but not least, PDRM deserve a credit for working hard to prevent crimes!
But I give them a big thumbs down for being so rude and aggressive to the innocent!! Booooo!!!!!
Today, a friend send a MSN message to me, ask about how to translate Chinese to English.
Without any delay, my “reflex” comes! Fire up my web browse, key in into the address bar! I am expecting a 404 error or Page Not Found response but… …
Viola! It loads the Google Translate BETA! I am so happy that Google always knows what I needs and prepare it before I scream for it! It is really my best friend! Never fail me!! LoL.
Immediately, I test it with a simple sentence. Wow! See?! It is so accurate and it never lie! It translate the Chinese sentence to English sentence correctly! The translation never mess up the meaning of the sentence. Good job, Google! After that, I try with other sentences. As a result, for short and simple sentence, it can translate nicely. For longer or complex sentence, it can’t really perform as good as expected. But it is good enough to do simple translation job! It is online! No need to install anything!! The most important is FREE of charge!!! Can you complaint?
It supports 25 types of translations! You can help Google Translate to improve the future release by “Suggest a better translation”! You can be part of the team too! 🙂 Sounds great?
Last but not least, you can translate a web page with this tool!
Yes! For all readers who don’t know how to read Chinese! You can use this tool to translate my Chinese blog-post into English! From now onwards, you will never miss any of my post! :xd:
Happy Translating!!
两个星期前的晚上,家里停电了。少了电力的供应,有很多事情都无法进行。:circle: 不可以上网,没有电视看,没有音乐听,没有了风扇,没有了灯光,一切一切的事情就这样的停顿了。这就是所谓的文明吧!:sigh:
停电的夜晚,让我想起了在非法木屋区居住的情况。 因为那里是常常停电的。可能你们会认为非法木屋是很简陋的吧。生活环境也真的是有点抱歉的,可是基本的生活设备还是齐全的。你们应该很难想象在城市,居然还存在着非法木屋。现在已经被拆掉了哦。。。:cry:
屋子的后方就是一片树丛。里面充满了山珍海味蛇虫鼠蚁。还记得我房间的天花板上时常会有老鼠追逐的声音。这让我想起了有一次有老鼠死在天花板上,腐烂了,然后有虫虫从天花板点下来 :coldsweat: 。。。 哈哈!现在想起才知道恶心, 当时的我根本不当是一回事 :desk: 。。。 呵呵!
除此还有几次家里入蛇的情况。:ogod: 哈哈!是啊!蛇~~~软啪啪, 滑潺潺的蛇哦!你有试过打蛇吗?有听过蛇的惨叫声吗??我们都不会抓蛇,所以一有发现就把它打死!:namor: 不要告我哦!我没钱的。。。 很多的情况都是老爸或者年长的长辈操刀打蛇的。我只有一次的经验。那一次是那条蛇爬入了我的睡房。。。 对啊!睡房!我叫了外公来帮忙。 嘻嘻!毕竟我一个人还是会怕的 :shy:。。。顺利的把蛇杀了后,在清理凶案现场时,才发现那条死蛇居然是蜗居在饭厅的橱子后面。因为在那里发现了一大堆蛇大便 :surprise: 。。。 哇哈哈哈!与蛇同居了多久啊?时常都会发现一些小动物例如四脚蛇,变色龙,田鼠,青蛙等等的。哦!还有水鱼!!可以吃的水鱼啊!:yes:
何时开始,人们学会了比较,更将比较的学问衍生成鞭策自己的途径。:glass: 但是也有些人将比较当作贬低他人的道具。:or:
从小到大,我都是在比较中成长。母亲喜欢拿我的学业成绩来更其他人比较,往往都是悲剧收场啊。。。母亲没说几句就火大了,:onfire: 有时会骂, :you:也有时候会打。:hit1: 想起来就真的无辜辜的啦。 我自问不是天才,也没有伟大的遗传因子来帮助我。在15岁之前,都是在这种人比人,比死人的情况下长大。:autism:
在长期的比较环境下长大,在15岁以后,我慢慢的变成了不是怎么关心自己的家伙。。。 就像不必理会体重上升因为比我胖的人还多,读不到第一班反正我还在第二班,比我差的还大有人在。。。 渐渐的养成了这种安慰自己的比较。:smoker:
其实,人类是犯贱的生物,永远都不会满足。就像我毕业了,出来找工作的时候,也常常的比较谁谁谁找到了高薪的工作,谁谁谁又升职了。然后又开始了埋怨和妒忌的心理,比这个,比那个的, 没完没了的。:ono:
就算爱情也不例外,喜欢比较谁爱谁多一点,谁又为谁做了些什么的。。。 现在想起来,觉得很可笑。因为爱情不可以做比较的!
看了这部韩国电影后,我觉得里面的故事还过得去。 当然这是一部童话式的电影。一切的剧情都是朝着观众对现实童话幻想的方向发展。
纵然故事上还是存在着无限的漏洞, 可是整体来说,她却带出了现实的残酷和无情。。。 当女主角还是胖女的时候,过着被人嘲笑的日子,对着所爱的人那种有爱又说不出口的自卑,再加上被人利用和欺骗的遭遇。。。 真的将肥胖人的辛酸完全的表现了。
如果你的女人是这样的一个“整形”美女, 你真的不介意吗?你真的可以忍受吗?一段时间过后,你会后悔吗?
1. 如果他出唱片,你会买吗?
2. 如果他不幸被大马政府关了起来,你们(支持者)会去救他吗?我不是说网上/纸上请愿啊!是真正的行动哦!
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