有点失望啊!:cry: 看不到很多的美女。。。有是有。。。但是就是没有那种拍照的冲劲。。。所以没有照片。。。:happysigh:
在PC Fair里竟然有人问我要不要申请信用卡。。。我。。。。 我。。。 回答:“我还不够“睡”啊(不满21岁)”。呵呵,那个人立刻的“变脸”然后我们就很“浪漫又无奈”的被人潮分离了。
在离开前,看到了MyCNX的摊子。匆匆忙忙的拍了2张蒙蒙的照片。然后又被另外的一个女生“看上”, 她跑前来说我流汗了,叫我买CD(RM2),附送扇子!:bigeye: 我立刻的回答:“我30岁了。。。”。 她还以为我骗她就很不爽的走开了。:hahaha:
The first PC fair for 2008 has started. I took my precious time to shop there! Last year was not bad!
I got a little disappointed this year! 😥 I did not manage to spot a lot of pretty girl… it still has some… but they did not manage to “urge” me for taking their photo… so this time don’t have any photo… :happysigh:
I got a little annoyed because inside the PC fair, got a credit card agent approached me for application… I …. answer :”I am under age to be qualified as an applicant” hehe, that fellow’s face turn black. Without a seconds, we were separated by the crowd.
Right before I left, I saw the MyCNX booth which I took the photo with the sword man last year! Without wasting anytime, I took 2 blurry photo. After that, another girl “hunt” me down… She come to me and say I am sweating, persuade me to buy a RM2 game CD with free gift! :bigeye: I reply, “I am 30 years old…” . She told I am lying and went away unhappily. :hahaha: